Monday, December 7, 2009

Truly the Worst

Blogger on earth, that is. I'm a sad specimen. I love you, Internet, I just am not good at keeping up my end of the bargain. Maybe I'll do better when my stupid classes end for Christmas. Oh wait, they DID already (picture my shi*-eating grin right now).

So I have discovered my new favourite part of the Internet - the make-your-own photobooks offered at Seen them yet? Visit, and I promise that you'll be hooked. Possibly so hooked that you'll neglect all the student papers and test that keep piling up on your desk, papers and test that you should be marking, but instead are ignoring in the hope that the marking fairies will show up overnight. Or, that may just be me. But it's worth the gamble. Go on over and have a look.

I am still trying to figure out what I want this blog to be. Witty, mainly. I read the wonderful chronicles of several women, and want to be as snappy and smart as them. Sadly, I don't think blogger is selling that brand. Guess I'm stuck with mediocre posts and maybe a reader someday?

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